2012 Forest Health Monitoring Workgroup Meeting

  • Forest Health Monitoring Workgroup Meeting
When Apr 16, 2012 01:00 PM to
Apr 19, 2012 06:00 PM
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USDA Forest Service shieldThe 2012 Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) Work Group meeting, themed “Human Influences on Forest Health,” will be held in Tucson, AZ, April 16-19. The workshop will include theme-relevant panel presentations and several concurrent focus groups designed to address emerging issues related to integrating pest reporting, monitoring climate change effects, and pest risk mapping. There will also be time and opportunities to share information about State, regional, and national program status, needs and accomplishments. A poster session will include posters from FHM funded Evaluation Monitoring projects and other topics of interest. Visit the FHM website for registration and agenda information.

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