Landscape Conservation Cooperative National Workshop

  • Landscape Conservation Cooperative National Workshop
When Mar 27, 2012 09:00 AM to
Mar 28, 2012 04:00 PM
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Landscape Conservation Cooperative National WorkshopThe Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) National Workshop will be held in Denver, CO, March 27-28. Workshop participants will:

  • Hear from leaders in landscape-scale conservation, and develop a shared understanding of the future of landscape-scale conservation.
  • Learn about ongoing and upcoming landscape initiatives and how LCC collaboration is or will be beneficial.
  • Focus on landscape-scale stressors, tools for supporting partnerships, and integration of science and management.
  • Identify and develop opportunities to build on cross-initiative and cross-LCC communication, information and experience sharing, and collaborative problem-solving.
  • Build on existing partnerships and create new partnerships to support and champion landscape-scale conservation efforts.
  • Return to their regions with new knowledge and tools for successful landscape-scale conservation.

Visit the workshop website for more information.

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