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Eastern Threat Center researchers and cooperating scientists have authored and co-authored numerous publications describing research that supports natural resource management and decision making. Select a title to read the publication, or use the search feature to find publications by author, title, or keyword.


Publication Historical racial redlining and contemporary patterns of income inequality negatively affect birds, their habitat, and people in Los Angeles, California
Publication Mapping firescapes for wild and prescribed fire management: a landscape classification approach
Publication Removing invasive giant reed reshapes desert riparian butterfly and bird communities
Publication Wildfire risk assessment for strategic forest management in the Southern United States: a Bayesian network modeling approach
Publication Winter range shifts and their associations with species traits are heterogeneous in eastern North American birds


Publication The role of regional ecological assessment in quantifying ecosystem services for forest management


Publication Monitoring broadscale vegetational diversity and change across North American landscapes using land surface phenology


Publication Book review: effects of climate change on birds


Publication Delaying conservation actions matters for species vulnerable to climate change
Publication Least tern (Sternula antillarum) population response to water levels on Cheyenne River and Oahe Reservoir, South Dakota, USA
Publication Modern climate change and birds. Chapter 24 in Ornithology: foundation, analysis, and application
Publication Noteworthy bird records from northeastern Peru reveal connectivity and isolation in the western Amazonian avifauna


Publication Climate variability drives population cycling and synchrony
Publication Quantifying seasonal patterns in disparate environmental variables using the PolarMetrics R package
Publication The future demographic niche of a declining grassland bird fails to shift poleward in response to climate change
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  • x Pomara, Lars
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