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Eastern Threat Center researchers and cooperating scientists have authored and co-authored numerous publications describing research that supports natural resource management and decision making. Select a title to read the publication, or use the search feature to find publications by author, title, or keyword.


Publication Data, data everywhere: detecting spatial patterns in fine-scale ecological information collected across a continent
Publication Detecting and monitoring large scale drought effects on forests: toward an integrated approach
Publication Modeling urban host tree distributions for invasive forest insects using a two-step approach
Publication Predicting cannabis cultivation on national forests using a rational choice framework
Publication Review of broad-scale drought monitoring of forests: Toward an integrated data mining approach
Publication The evolving role of Forest Inventory and Analysis data in invasive insect research


Publication A review of southern pine decline in North America
Publication Assessing land clearing potential in the Canadian agriculture-forestry interface with a multi-attribute frontier approach
Publication Identifying and assessing critical uncertainty thresholds in a forest pest risk model
Publication Making invasion models useful for decision makers: incorporating uncertainty, knowledge gaps, and decision-making preferences
Publication Managing outbreaks of invasive species -- A new method to prioritize preemptive quarantine efforts across large geographic regions
Publication Optimal allocation of invasive species surveillance with the maximum expected coverage concept
Publication Towards reliable mapping of biosecurity risk: incorporating uncertainty and decision-makers’ risk aversion


Publication Patterns of forest phylogenetic community structure across the United States and their possible forest health implications
Publication There is no silver bullet: the value of diversification in planning invasive species surveillance
Publication Using a network model to assess risk of forest pest spread via recreational travel


Publication A new multicriteria risk mapping approach based on a multiattribute frontier concept
Publication An economic assessment of mountain pine beetle timber salvage in the West
Publication Exploring critical uncertainties in pathway assessments of human-assisted introductions of alien forest species in Canada
Publication Invasive alien species in the food chain: Advancing risk assessment models to address climate change, economics and uncertainty
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  • x Koch, Frank
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