FHM Landscape Analysis and Assessment Publications



  • Jones, K.B., Riitters, K.H., Wickham, J.D., Tankersley, R.D., O’Neill, R.V., Chaloud, D.J., Smith, E.R., and A.C. Neale. 1997. An Ecological Assessment of the United States mid-Atlantic Region: A Landscape Atlas.  EPA/600/R-97/130. US EPA, Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC. (pdf)
  • Riitters, K.H., Wickham, J.D., and K.B. Jones. 1996. A landscape atlas of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Second Edition. Tennessee Valley Authority, Norris, TN.
  • Riitters, K.H. 2000. "Forest fragmentation" and "Land-cover diversity" for the National Atlas. [online] URL: http://www.nationalatlas.gov/.
  • Jones, K.B., Riitters, K.H., Wade, T.G., and J.D. Wickham. 2003. Forest Fragmentation in the United States. ESRI Map Book Volume 18, p. 76.

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