Climate Change Tool Reaches a "Grand" Milestone to Aid Forest Planning and Management
The Template for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options (TACCIMO) continues to expand and provide land managers, planners, and other decision makers with the best climate change science available. TACCIMO's scientific literature database now contains information from more than 1,000 peer-reviewed sources describing the effects of climate change on natural resources as well as land management options that can help forests adapt to changing conditions. In addition to expanding TACCIMO's scientific literature database, the TACCIMO development team is generating information to support Land and Resource Management Plan revision processes for El Yunque, Francis Marion, Nantahala-Pisgah, and Southern Sierra National Forests. The TACCIMO team is also partnering with the California Landscape Conservation Cooperative to develop a Vulnerability Assessment for the Sierra Nevada region. Read more in CompassLive...