Climate Hub releases hurricane preparation and recovery guides for land managers
Climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of hurricanes. Southern forest, farm, and ranch landowners need to better prepare and plan for hurricane impacts. The USDA Southeast Climate Hub surveyed hurricane preparedness and recovery resources and identified a need for centralized guidance that is complete and consistent.
The Hub teamed up with university extension and other USDA partners to develop a centralized resource for landowners. Led by director Steven McNulty and coordinator Michael Gavazzi, the authors produced a series of 23 Hurricane Preparation and Recovery guides focused on the most economically important commodities for coastal states in the southeastern U.S. including timber, livestock, row crops, aquaculture, and more. The guides provide a one-stop shop for landowners or managers seeking resources for hurricane preparedness, recovery, and long-term resilience. The Southeast Climate Hub intends to periodically update the guides to keep them current.
Read the complete CompassLive article.
Access the hurricane preparedness and recovery guides.