EFETAC Scientist Appointed as Deputy for IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group

EFETAC Scientist Appointed as Deputy for IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group

EFETAC research ecologist Kurt Riitters attended the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Landscape Ecology Working Group conference in Chile, held November 5-12, to present an invited paper and to discuss current research projects with colleagues from Italy and Canada. During the conference, the Working Group announced a new organization and new Officers, and Kurt was selected as Deputy Working Group Coordinator for North America. In his role as a Deputy, Kurt will ensure good communications with Working Group members in North America, help organize future Working Group conferences and symposia, and assist the Working Group Chair in other matters. The Working Group will organize one or more symposia at the next IUFRO World Congress (Salt Lake City, 2014) and will hold its next Working Group conference in Estonia (2015).

Pictured: Kurt inspects the bark of an ancient monkey puzzle tree (Araucaria araucana) in Chile's National Park Nahuelbuta (big tiger).


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