Featured Publication: Dryland East Asia: Land Dynamics Amid Social and Climate Change

Featured Publication: Dryland East Asia: Land Dynamics Amid Social and Climate Change

Dryland ecosystems, characterized by a relative lack of water, are found all over the world, but are most abundant in developing countries. In East Asia, dryland ecosystems comprise nearly 5 million square kilometers of land and support more than a billion people, who may be especially vulnerable to global change issues related to climate and land use. Eastern Threat Center research hydrologist Ge Sun and other international experts describe these unique ecosystems and the challenges they face in adapting to changing conditions in a new book, Dryland East Asia: Land Dynamics Amid Social and Climate Change. Sun served as a co-editor and coauthored three chapters in the book, which provides an ecological assessment of this region that can also aid decision makers in other similar dryland areas vulnerable to climate change and human disturbances. Learn more about the book...


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