Q&A with Karin Rogers, interim director of the National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center


Karin Rogers_UNCAA recent interview in Mountain Xpress puts a spotlight on NEMAC, a long-time research cooperator with the Threat Center. Interim director Karin Rogers discusses various NEMAC projects and their vital role as environmental research communicators to decision-makers and the wider public. "At NEMAC we are interested in helping people make data-informed decisions about environmental change and resilience," Rogers says. 

"The idea is to be that translator between science producers and science users. These decision-makers can vary from local municipalities, like the City of Asheville, who are interested in interpreting and understanding trends in climate data and the expected impacts, to forest managers who want to understand how large landscapes are changing from various threats like insects and disease, to UNCA_bannerplanners and the public who want to know about landslide risk in Western North Carolina. Some good examples of this work include Asheville’s climate resilience assessment and the Landslide Map Viewer that we launched with the N.C. Geological Survey." Read the full Mountain Xpress interview here.

Pictured: Images courtesy of NEMAC and UNC-Asheville


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