Forest ThreatNet

Volume 16, Issue 1 - summer 2024

Southeast Climate Hub expands outreach efforts

Hub outreach_SmokeyBearThe USDA Southeast Climate Hub develops and delivers science-based information for southern resource managers. In fall of 2023, the Hub shared resilience strategies with agricultural producers and others who attended the Virginia State Fair, the North Carolina State Fair, and the Rocky Mount Forest Landowner Conference. These outreach opportunities introduced agricultural producers, forest landowners, and families to resources for managing land for resilience to climate variability, and helped Hub researchers better understand the needs of communities across the Southeast.

At the two fairs, Hub scientists interacted with over 4,000 people including 140 farmers, 86 foresters, and 39 ranchers. Much of the audience was also made up of young children, students, educators, gardeners, and other public service providers. The Forest Landowner Conference in Rocky Mount, North Carolina was also a successful outreach and networking event, where the Hub connected with over 100 forest landowners, graduate students, and representatives from state and federal agencies and universities.

Pictured: The Southeast Climate Hub crew spent time with Smokey Bear at the North Carolina State Fair. Photo by Renai Nez, Southeast Climate Hub.

Read the CompassLive story.

Visit the website of the Southeast Climate Hub.

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