Forest ThreatNet

Volume 16, Issue 1 - summer 2024

Threat Center contributes to national Resource Planning Act Assessment

RPA 2020 cover"The Resources Planning Act (RPA) Assessment, published every decade with mid-decade updates, provides a snapshot of current U.S. forest and rangeland conditions and trends across all ownerships, identifies drivers of change, and projects conditions 50 years into the future. Specifically, the RPA projects the effects of climate and socioeconomic changes on forests, rangelands, urban forests, forest products, carbon, wildlife and fish, biodiversity, outdoor recreation, and water." 

For the 2020 RPA Assessment, published in 2023, Threat Center scientists Kurt Riitters, Frank Koch, and Kevin Potter authored or co-authored chapters on Land Resources and Disturbances to Forests and Rangelands--in addition to many other contributions from scientists across the Forest Service.

The RPA Assessment explores a range of possible futures for renewable natural resources. Alternative future scenarios are used to assess the effects of human and environmental influences including population and economic growth, land use change, and climate change. 

Findings can be used to inform forest and rangeland management policies and additional research efforts at all scales from local to national, including National Forest Management Plans, State Forest and Wildlife Action Plans, and more.  

A range of related resources accompany the 2020 RPA Assessment, designed to make the report even more useable by land and resource managers. The 2020 RPA Assessment website provides supporting publications, data, webinars, and fact sheets.

The complete RPA Assessment document and individual chapters are free to download.
A release event for the 2020 RPA Assessment brought together a panel of leading land use, climate, and policy experts to explore the implications of this latest update in the decadal assessment series. A recording of the panel discussion is available on YouTube.

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