Forest ThreatNet
EFETAC Co-Sponsors Technical and Science Writing Conferences
EFETAC co-sponsored two conferences targeted toward forest managers in the South. “Confronting the Cogongrass Crisis across the South” was held November 7 and 8, 2007, in Mobile, Alabama. Cogongrass is a growing threat as it continues its rapid spread across the Southeast, reducing forest and pasture productivity, destroying wildlife habitat, impacting rights of ways, and presenting an extreme fire hazard. The conference conveyed the latest understanding in restoring lands, managing, controlling, and eradicating cogongrass, and explored existing and needed networks for coordinating strategies for successful cogongrass management. The conference was sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Auburn University School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, and Southeast Exotic Pest Council. A draft version of the conference proceedings and cogongrass management guide is available here.
EFETAC also supported “Scientific Foundations of Conservation Planning in the Cumberland Plateau and Mountains” which was held November 13 and 14, 2007, in Knoxville, Tennessee. The conference identified, summarized, and evaluated scientific information highly relevant to conservation planning in the Cumberlands. The conference steering committee included representatives from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, The Nature Conservancy in Tennessee, University of Tennessee – Knoxville, U.S. Forest Service – Southern Research Station, and National Council for Air and Stream Improvement.
Science Writing Seminar with Neil CaudleEFETAC and the Southern Research Station Science Delivery Group jointly hosted a science writing seminar on December 7 in Asheville. The seminar was conducted by Neil Caudle, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research at UNC-Chapel Hill, Director for the Office of Information and Communications, and editor of Endeavors, the University’s award-winning magazine on research and creative activity. The seminar was designed to introduce writers, editors, designers, and scientists to the basics of communicating science through story and visualization. Please contact Zoë Hoyle, SRS writer/editor, for additional information – phone: (828) 257-4388, email:
EFETAC Featured in Quarterly Science Magazine
Several EFETAC researchers will be featured in the upcoming issue of Compass, the Southern Research Station’s quarterly science magazine that addresses the burgeoning interest in a variety of research areas affecting public and private lands. The issue will focus on global climate change and highlight research being conducted by Southern GlobalChange Program scientists Steve McNulty and Ge Sun and Threat Assessment scientist Qinfeng Guo. Center Director Danny Lee is also profiled, and he reflects on his growing team, his commitment to partnerships, and his vision for the future. In addition, Steve McNulty shares his journey and offers his insight following the recent construction of his earth-friendly home. On newstands in January!
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