Forest ThreatNet
EFETAC Expands, Welcomes New Scientists
EFETAC Expands Team Dynamics...
When the Southern Research Station reorganized in 2006, two additional research work units joined EFETAC—the Southern Global Change Program (SGCP) in Raleigh and Forest Health Monitoring
(FHM) in Research Triangle Park, NC. Steve McNulty (right) is the team leader for SGCP, which examines the ecological and hydrologic consequences of global change. FHM, led by Bill Bechtold (left), develops monitoring protocols and analytical tools for tracking the health and sustainability of the Nation’s forests. Each team’s existing programs have been woven into EFETAC’s broader mission, thus substantially enhancing the capability for comprehensive, integrated research.
...Adds New Scientists
Four new scientists have also joined the EFETAC Threat Assessment Team
William H. Hargrove
Notable landscape ecologist, William Hargrove, joined EFETAC in October 2006. His current research focuses on designing a national early warning system using satellite imagery and other ancillary information to highlight landscape changes indicative of forest threats. Previously a researcher with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Hargrove continues to work closely with Oak Ridge and other high-tech partners.
Qinfeng Guo
Qinfeng Guo joined EFETAC in 2006 as a research ecologist and is currently conducting collaborative research (1) using plant traits in life history and genetics to predict invasiveness of introduced species, and (2) using life history and distribution information from both native and exotic habitats to simulate/predict the spread of invasive species under various climatic scenarios. Prior to EFETAC, Guo worked with the U.S. Geological Survey. He received a Ph.D. in biology (ecology) from the University of New Mexico.
Stephen Creed
Stephen Creed joined EFETAC in January 2007 as a GIS specialist and is applying geo-technologies with other unit scientists to develop an early warning system for detecting natural and human forest threats. Previously, Creed worked with the Forest Service’s Southwestern Regional Office’s GIS unit. He completed a master’sdegree in geography at Southwest Texas State University.
Steve Norman
Steve Norman joined EFETAC in 2005 as an ecologist. His work on the fire history and vegetation dynamics of coastal redwood forests examines the tradeoffs associated with wildfire management and prescribed fire. Prior to EFETAC, Norman worked with EFETAC Director, Danny Lee, and others at the Forest Service’s Pacific Southwest Research Station to develop a comparative risk assessment framework. He received a Ph.D. in geography from Penn State.
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