Forest ThreatNet
Message from the Director
When it comes to social media, I must admit that I’m a novice. I’ve never had a Facebook page, and I don’t use Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, or many of the other social media applications. I do have a LinkedIn page, but can’t claim to be an active user. Recently I’ve been thinking that I need to become more aware of what’s available in the world of social media, if for no other reason than to ensure that we’re taking advantage of opportunities available to share our science.
To this end, I’ve recently created a Twitter account for myself. No, not because I want to follow celebrities or engage in the most recent political banter. Rather, I want to see what my research colleagues in the Forest Service and other agencies are up to. During June, for example, the Forest Service is highlighting the lands and work that provide abundant, clean water. Additionally, the agency is sharing some great information about the wonderful and interesting lives of native pollinators and the vital services they provide as part of the celebration of National Pollinator Week. Here in Asheville, we’re fortunate to have a pollinator garden right on the grounds that was established and is maintained through a collaborative effort with local volunteers. As I write this note, the Station just concluded an event in the garden that introduced visitors--especially children--to pollinators. Many attendees likely heard about the event through social media.
Some of the other topics I’m finding on the Twitter feeds include ecosystem restoration, forests and water, and invasive plants, to name a few. I’m starting to think that maybe I’ve been missing out. I don’t have to read everything, but I can quickly scroll through lots of things and pick out topics that interest me. I’ll continue to look for news and information on these topics through social media going forward, and I invite you to look as well. Follow the Southern Research Station on Twitter and Forest Service Research and Development on Facebook, and share with your friends!
- Danny C. Lee
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