Forest ThreatNet
Publications and Research News
Select new Threat Center publications
- Non-native tree regeneration indicates regional and national risks from current invasions
- Structural diversity as a reliable and novel predictor for ecosystem productivity
- Denser forests across the USA experience more damage from insects and pathogens
- Evolving efficiency of inter-basin water transfers in regional water stress alleviation
- Impacts of Hurricane Michael on watershed hydrology: a case study in the southeastern United States
Southeast Climate Hub's hurricane preparation and recovery guides: 23 commodity guides for producers
- Hotspots of pest-induced urban tree death, 2020-2050
- Climate variation within the range of longleaf pine forests during the past century
- Drivers and ecological impacts of a wildfire outbreak in the southern Appalachian Mountains after decades of fire exclusion
- Removing invasive giant reed reshapes desert riparian butterfly and bird communities
- On the relationship between species diversity and range size
- Visit Treesearch for free access to all peer-reviewed publications from across the Forest Service.
Research News
- CompassLive makes Southern Research Station science available to the public through short articles that highlight useful and often fascinating new findings. Threat Center projects and publications are frequently highlighted, such as these recent examples: Table mountain pine: Genetics inform conservation strategies; Two decades of annual national forest health check-ups.
The Research Plots newsletter provides a seasonal sample of recent science products from the Southern Research Station, including publications, videos, webinars, events, and tools. View the most recent issue and sign up to receive the newsletter.
At the National level, Forest Service Research and Development publishes a range of newsletters and blogs that highlight important new science. Check out recent items in the national Newsletter Archive.
- In addition to research highlights from the Southern Research Station, Forest Service Research and Development publishes select research highlights from all Research Stations across the US.
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