Forest ThreatNet

Volume 16, Issue 1 - summer 2024

Contact us

USDA Forest Service Research and Development

Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center

The interdisciplinary Eastern Threat Center develops new technology and tools to anticipate and respond to emerging forest threats. The Eastern and Western Threat Centers are a joint effort of the USDA Forest Service Research and Development, National Forest System, and State and Private Forestry. The Eastern Threat Center is headquartered with the Southern Research Station in Asheville and has an office in Research Triangle Park, NC.

Eastern Threat Center

Ge Sun, PhD, Director.

Research Triangle Park, NC
Forestry Sciences Laboratory
3041 E. Cornwallis Road
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
(919) 549-4000

Asheville, NC
Southern Research Station
200 W.T. Weaver Blvd.
Asheville, NC 28804

Full EFETAC staff page


Western Wildland Environmental Threat Assessment Center (WWETAC)

Pacific Northwest Research Station
Olympia Forestry Sciences Lab
3625 93rd Ave. SW
Olympia, WA 98512

 USDA is an equal opportunity employer and provider.

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