Forest ThreatNet
Center News, Publications, Products, and Events
- The Eastern Threat Center-hosted Southeast Regional Climate Hub welcomes Lisa Fouladbash as its partnership facilitator. Welcome, Lisa!
The Climate Change Resource Center (CCRC) has released a new interactive online education module, “Climate Change Effects on Forests and Grasslands: What You Need to Know.” Visit the CCRC for additional climate tools and information.
- A new version of the Template for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options (TACCIMO) tool is available. TACCIMO v3.0 is based on the tool's application in land and resource management planning at a variety of scales, and will remain in a beta testing mode until mid-2015 to allow plenty of time for users and collaborators to provide feedback.
The annual Forest Health Monitoring National Report presents forest health status and trends from national and regional perspectives. The 2014 report, edited by North Carolina State University cooperating scientists Kevin Potter and Barb Conkling, is available in draft form.
- Visit the First Friday All Climate Change Talks (FFACCTs) webpage for archived resources and upcoming FFACCTs topics.
- USDA and the nation celebrated Women’s History Month in March (right) and paid tribute to generations of women committed to nature, the planet, and the betterment of society. Learn more:
Right: Sally Ride, America’s first woman astronaut. Photo courtesy of the U.S. National Archives.
New Publications and Products (search Treesearch for all pubs and abstracts):
- Withrow, J.R., E.L. Smith, F.H. Koch, and D. Yemshanov. 2015. Managing outbreaks of invasive species — A new method to prioritize preemptive quarantine efforts across large geographic regions. Journal of Environmental Management 150:367-377.
- Oswalt, C.M., S. Fei, Q. Guo, B.V. Iannone III, S.N. Oswalt, B.C. Pijanowski, and K.M. Potter. 2015. A subcontinental view of forest plant invasions. NeoBiota 24:49-54.
- Zhang, Y., B. Zheng, G. Sun, and P. Fan. 2015. The American lawn revisited: awareness education and culture as public policies toward sustainable lawn. Problemy Ekorozwojo/Problems of Sustainable Development 10(1):107-115.
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