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Eastern Threat Center researchers and cooperating scientists have authored and co-authored numerous publications describing research that supports natural resource management and decision making. Select a title to read the publication, or use the search feature to find publications by author, title, or keyword.


Publication Abiotic and biotic factors affecting loblolly pine health in the southeastern United States
Publication Assessing the trade-offs between timber supply and wildlife protection goals in boreal landscapes
Publication Optimal invasive species surveillance in the real world: practical advances from research
Publication Optimal planning of multi-day invasive species surveillance campaigns


Publication Acceptance sampling for cost-effective surveillance of emerald ash borer in urban environments
Publication Bark beetle epidemics, life satisfaction, and economic well-being
Publication Cannabis legalization by states reduces illegal growing on US national forests
Publication Forest health monitoring: national status, trends, and analysis 2018
Publication Impacts of nonnative species on the health of natural and planted forests
Publication Managing biological invasions in urban environments with the acceptance sampling approach
Publication Optimizing surveillance strategies for early detection of invasive alien species
Publication Prioritizing restoration of fragmented landscapes for wildlife conservation: A graph-theoretic approach


Publication Cold tolerance and invasive potential of the redbay ambrosia beetle (Xyleborus glabratus) in the eastern United States
Publication Modeling urban distributions of host trees for invasive forest insects in the eastern and central USA: A three-step approach using field inventory data


Publication A new hypervolume approach for assessing environmental risks
Publication A safety rule approach to surveillance and eradication of biological invasions
Publication No rest for the laurels: symbiotic invaders cause unprecedented damage to southern USA forests
Publication Prioritizing conservation seed banking locations for imperiled hemlock species using multi-attribute frontier mapping
Publication Robust surveillance and control of invasive species using a scenario optimization approach
Publication Spread of common native and invasive grasses and ruderal trees following anthropogenic disturbances in a tropical dry forest
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  • x Koch, Frank
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