Forest ThreatNet
Publications, Products, Events, and More
- Fact sheets describing potential climate change effects on national forests in the U.S. Forest Service Southern Region (developed from summaries of scientific papers using the TACCIMO tool) are now available through the Climate Change Resource Center (CCRC). The CCRC, an Eastern Threat Center partner, also provides a number of new fact sheets from the Climate Smart Land Network summarizing climate change impacts on specific resources and topics. Visit the CCRC fact sheets page to learn more.
The Center-hosted USDA Southeast Regional Climate Hub is accepting pre-proposals from public and private agencies, organizations, institutions, and individuals who wish to collaborate on mutually beneficial projects related to 1) science delivery or 2) science translation. Pre-proposals are due March 8.
- First Friday All Climate Change Talks (FFACCTs) are monthly information sharing forums featuring presentations about research activities focused on climate change impacts to forest ecosystems. Visit the FFACCTs webpage for archived resources and upcoming FFACCTs presentation topics.
- The Western Threat Center continues to support a project to forecast the intensity and location of bark beetle mortality in California. The 2017 forecast can be viewed as a story map.
- Celebrate the 2017 International Day of Forests on March 21, themed "Forests & Energy." Visit the event website for ideas, including the #LoveForests video campaign.
New Publications and Products (search Treesearch for all Forest Service pubs and abstracts):
- Boggs. J.L., G. Sun, and S.G. McNulty. 2017. The effects of stream crossings on total suspended sediment in North Carolina Piedmont forests. Journal of Forestry.
- Guo, Q., B.V. Iannone III, G.C. Nunez-Mir, K.M. Potter, C.M. Oswalt, and S. Fei. 2017. Species pool, human population, and global versus regional invasion patterns. Landscape Ecology.
- Potter, K.M., B.S. Crane, and W.W. Hargrove. 2017. A United States national prioritization framework for tree species vulnerability to climate change. New Forests.
Personnel Updates
- Southeast Regional Climate Hub Director Steve McNulty has been granted sabbatical leave to pursue new research questions. Along with collaborators from Wageningen University and Forest Service Region 8 and Washington Office Watershed Management, he will develop an overarching theory and new GIS applications for predicting ecosystem changes.
- Research biologist Michelle Baumflek joined the Eastern Threat Center in January. She is an ethnobotanist whose work focuses on combining traditional, local, and academic ecological knowledge to inform the sustainable use and stewardship of nontimber forest products. Her current research is conducted in partnership with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, and involves understanding ecological and social factors that contribute to sustainable harvesting of culturally significant plants.
- Resource information specialist Jennifer Moore Myers has begun a 90-day assignment as a science writer for the Southern Research Station. During this detail, she will write stories for CompassLive and assist with social media content development.
- Biological scientist Michael Gavazzi has begun a detail assignment as the Coordinator of the Center-hosted USDA Southeast Regional Climate Hub.
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