Forest ThreatNet
Publications, Products, Events, and More
Center research hydrologist Ge Sun is an executive committee member and organizer for the Joint Conference on Forests and Water 2018, which will take place November 5-9 in Valdivia, Chile. Themed "Promoting the integration between forest ecosystems, water, and society," the conference will help link dynamic developments in Latin American forests to a global community of experts in forest hydrology, watershed ecosystem management, ecohydrology, climate, and environmental change.
- Get to know the Forest Service Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) program! Barb Conkling, a North Carolina State University Research Assistant Professor and cooperator at the Eastern Threat Center's Research Triangle Park office, compiles a monthly FHM update that features news, events, publications, learning opportunities, and job advertisements. Contact Conkling to join the mailing list and begin receiving the monthly update, or contact FHM National Program Manager Tom Eager for more information about the FHM program.
As farm lands face changing weather, climate, and markets, tree-based management strategies (known as agroforestry) can improve their resiliency. Forest Service Research & Development has released a first-ever synthesis report on the topic.
- With a new layout and improved search functions, there are more ways to discover great content on the Climate Change Resource Center (CCRC) to help with managing lands under a changing climate. Explore CCRC content by region, using a new clickable map function on the homepage, and sort results by topic to find more resources of interest. New additions are being made regularly, including topic briefings, tools, adaptation examples, fact sheets, and educational materials.
- The Forest Service Research and Development newsletter highlights science news across
the agency. Check out the latest issue as well as a special anniversary issue, and subscribe to receive future issues.
Select new Center publications
Hoagland, S.J., P. Beier, andD. Lee. 2018. Using MODIS NDVI phenoclasses and phenoclusters to characterize wildlife habitat: Mexican spotted owl as a case study. Forest Ecology and Management 412:80-93.
Koch, F.H., M.J. Ambrose, D. Yemshanov, P.E. Wiseman, and F.D. Cowett. 2018. Modeling urban distributions of host trees for invasive forest insects in the eastern and central USA: A three-step approach using field inventory data. Forest Ecology and Management 417:222-236.
Potter, K.M. 2018. Do United States protected areas effectively conserve forest tree rarity and evolutionary distinctiveness? Biological Conservation 224:34-46.
- Potter, K.M.; Conkling, B.L., eds. 2018. Forest health monitoring: national status, trends, and analysis 2017. General Technical Report SRS-233. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 190 p.
Zhang, L., G. Sun, E. Cohen, S.G. McNulty, P.V. Caldwell, S. Krieger, J. Christian, D. Zhou, K. Duan, and K.J. Cepero-Pérez. 2018. An improved water budget for the El Yunque National Forest, Puerto Rico, as determined by the Water Supply Stress Index model. Forest Science 64(3):268-279.
- Visit Treesearch for access to more than 50,000 full-text, peer-reviewed Forest Service publications.
Personnel updates
The Eastern Threat Center welcomes interns Tana Santilli (North Carolina State University) and Paige Williams (University of Kentucky)! They will be working at the Center's Raleigh office and assisting with laboratory and field work during the summer field season. Learn more about them and other students who have found internship opportunities with the Center.
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