Forest ThreatNet
EFETAC In the News
Magazine Highlights Climate Change Research
SGCP team leader Steve McNulty was featured in the November/December issue of Blue Ridge Country magazine. In writer Steve Nash’s article, entitled “Double Vision: Climate Change Comes to the Mountains,” McNulty discusses concerns about climate variability. Read more at
EFETAC Connects with Landowners in Upstate South Carolina
EFETAC Director Danny C. Lee was the invited guest speaker for the Greenville Forestry and Wildlife Society meeting held at the University Center in Greenville, SC. Lee provided a Center overview, discussed forest threats, and led a Q&A following his presentation. EFETAC communications assistant Stephanie Worley Firley took the participants on a tour of the EFETAC Web site and felt, “these are important stakeholders with an interest in how EFETAC research and products can be useful.”
EFETAC Scientist Lends Expertise to International Water Resources Journal
SGCP hydrologist Ge Sun recently served as guest associate editor for a special issue of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). Sun joined three international scientists from the Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, and the University of British Columbia to blend a collection of 11 papers featuring forest hydrology research in China. The special issue can be found in the JAWRA October 2008 edition. The collection of papers addresses the impact of management and climate change and variability on watershed hydrology and forest-water relationships across multiple scales and landscapes. The articles represent significant ongoing forest hydrology research and can serve as a benchmark for understanding forest-water relations in China.
SGCP Finds a Real "Treasure"
Forestry technician Emrys Treasure joined the SGCP team in August 2008, having spent three years as a student intern working part-time during the school year and full-time during the summer field season. Treasure’s projects include assessing carbon budgets in loblolly pine plantations (eddy flux), evaluating the effectiveness of streamside management zones in protecting water quality, determining the effects of prescribed fire on fuel loads, and gauging impacts of climate change and land use on water quality. Emrys graduated top of his 2008 North Carolina State University class with a bachelor of science in natural resources and a minor in environmental science.
EFETAC in Review
The EFETAC team made progress in a variety of research, science delivery, and partnership efforts during the past year. Visit for accomplishment highlights and additional publications.New Publications
Threat Assessment
Efroymson, R.A., W.W. Hargrove, and G.W. Suter II. 2008. The Apache Longbow-Hellfire missile test at Yuma Proving Ground: Ecological risk assessment for helicopter overflight. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 14(5):871-897.
Forest Health Monitoring
Wickham, J.D., K.H. Riitters, T.G. Wade, and C. Homer. 2008. Temporal change in fragmentation of continental US forests. Landscape Ecology 23: 891-898.
Southern Global Change Program
Sun, G., S. Liu, Z. Zhang, and X. Wei. 2008. Forest hydrology in China: Introduction to the featured collection. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 44(5):1073-1075.
Sun, G., C. Zuo, S. Liu, M. Liu, S.G. McNulty, and J.M. Vose. 2008. Watershed evapotranspiration increased due to changes in vegetation composition and structure under a subtropical climate. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 44(5):1164-1175.
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