Forest ThreatNet
Center News, Publications, Products, and Events
Many young tribal members have deep connections to the lands upon which they live and depend, and growing numbers of Native American students are enrolling in natural resource programs. Center biological scientist Serra Hoagland co-authored two articles for Evergreen magazine to summarize the opportunities available to these students.
- A spinoff, according to NASA, is "a technology, originally developed to meet NASA mission needs, that has been transferred to the public and now provides benefits for the Nation and world as a commercial product or service." ForWarn is one such spinoff featured in NASA's most recent Spinoff report, which has been published annually since 1976.
- Now even the youngest students can learn about Center scientists and their research questions! Research ecologists Ge Sun and Qinfeng Guo are featured in the Natural Inquirer’s new Reader Series for grades K-2.
- To aid busy professionals and others who wish to understand the fundamentals of climate science, the Climate Change Resource Center has released an interactive online education module, “Climate Change Science and Modeling: What You Need to Know.”
- Visit the First Friday All Climate Change Talks (FFACCTs) webpage for archived resources and upcoming FFACCTs topics.
- The Eastern Threat Center will host the 31st annual US-IALE meeting (see p.1) in Asheville, NC, April 2-8, 2016. Save the dates!
- New Publications and Products (search Treesearch for all pubs and abstracts):
- Segura, C., G. Sun, S. McNulty, and Y. Zhang. Potential impacts of climate change on soil erosion vulnerability across the conterminous United States. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 69(2):171-181.
- Potter, K.M. and C.W. Woodall. 2013. Does biodiversity make a difference? Relationships between species richness, evolutionary diversity, and aboveground live tree biomass across U.S. forests. Forest Ecology and Management 321:117-129.
- Guo, Q.F. and J. Olden. 2014. Spatial scaling of non-native fish richness across the United States. PLoS ONE 9(5):e97727.
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