Forest ThreatNet

Volume 10, Issue 4 - September/October 2016

Message from the Director

DannyLeeatRTPlab_2012.jpgIt’s fall in North Carolina. The mountains are ablaze with color and the nights are getting cooler, although not as cool as in years past.

Fall also means the beginning of the new fiscal year for the federal government. For us at the Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center, it’s time to lay out our priorities for the year and decide how our time and fiscal resources should be allocated to provide the greatest benefit.

Hard choices have to be made. Ours is a diverse program and there are many serious issues and challenges associated with environmental threats to our forests. Our scientists, staff, and partners have no problem finding problems and information needs to keep them busy. The challenge is to find the most effective and efficient mix of activities that align with our Center priorities and play to our strengths. I like to think that we’re making a difference, but it can seem as if we’re pushing an ice block uphill when so many daunting issues surround us. How do we make progress or even keep pace? Are there ways that we can be more effective? Perhaps you can help us to answer these questions. If you have some ideas, drop me a note at Or maybe you just have questions about our work. Either way, we want to hear from you.

- Danny C. Lee, Center Director

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