Forest ThreatNet
Publications, Products, Events, and More
The Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International has published Forest Hydrology: Processes, Management and Assessment, a new book edited by Southern Research Station scientist Devendra Amatya. Center research hydrologist Ge Sun co-authored two chapters in the book, which is available for download on Treesearch.
- The North Carolina Forest Service, a long-term Eastern Threat Center partner, has published a brief, non-technical summary of a Center study on the effects of timber harvest on water quantity and quality in small watersheds in the Piedmont of North Carolina. The study, led by biological scientist Johnny Boggs, was originally published in the Journal of Forestry in 2015.
The Center-supported Climate Change Resource Center (CCRC) has published six topic pages in Spanish, including Servicios Ecosistémicos (Ecosystem Services), Biodiversidad (Biodiversity), Bosques y Almacenamiento de Carbono (Forests and Carbon), Bosques Urbanos (Urban Forests), Contaminación Atmosférica (Air Pollution), and Bosques de Islas Tropicales (Tropical Islands). Additional Spanish language topic pages will be available in 2017.
- The Center-hosted USDA Southeast Regional Climate Hub has published its fall newsletter. Subscribe to receive future issues.
- First Friday All Climate Change Talks (FFACCTs) are monthly information sh
aring forums featuring presentations about research activities focused on climate change impacts to forest ecosystems. Visit the FFACCTs webpage for archived resources and upcoming FFACCTs presentation topics.
- Forest Service Research and Development is now on Facebook! Visit and "like" the page to #BeConnected with the latest forest science.
New Publications and Products (search Treesearch for all pubs and abstracts):
- Chen, X., D.G. Brockway, and Q. Guo. 2016. Entropy dynamics in cone production of longleaf pine forests in the southeastern United States. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural Resources 8(2):11-15.
- Hallema, D.W., R. Moussa, G. Sun, and S.G. McNulty. 2016. Surface storm flow prediction on hillslopes based on topography and hydrologic connectivity. Ecological Processes 5:13.
- Kumar, J., F.M. Hoffman, W.W. Hargrove, and N. Collier. 2016. Understanding the representativeness of FLUXNET for upscaling carbon flux from eddy covariance measurements. Earth System Science Data Discussion. doi:10.5194/essd-2016-36
Personnel Updates
Emrys Treasure has accepted the Regional Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment Coordinator position with the U.S. Forest Service Southern Region. Treasure joined the Eastern Threat Center in 2008 after a three-year internship and served as a biological scientist, and, later, a natural resources specialist and USDA Southeast Regional Climate Hub Coordinator. He began his new role with the Southern Region on October 2. Congratulations, Emrys!
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