Forest ThreatNet

Volume 5, Issue 1 - Spring 2012

EFETAC Welcomes New Team Members

Center Highlights


Frank Koch

Frank Koch joined EFETAC as a research ecologist, focusing on forest pest invasion research with an emphasis on developing methods for mapping pest invasion risk based on species’ biology and behavior.

Serra Hoagland

Serra Hoagland joined EFETAC as a biological scientist. She was recently chosen as a participant in the highly competitive 2012 Wildlife Society Leadership Institute, designed to groom emerging young professionals to become exceptional leaders.


New North Carolina State University Cooperators

Rabin Bhattarai

Rabin Bhattarai is a post-doctoral fellow studying the impacts of global change on hydrology and ecosystems under the Earth System Modeling Project, a National Science Foundation-funded project that will offer new assessment tools for climate change research and management agencies.

LeeAnna Young Chapman

LeeAnna Young Chapman is studying reduction of climate prediction uncertainties. She also works with EFETAC’s Water Supply Stress Index – Carbon and Biodiversity (WaSSI-CB) model as part of the Earth System Modeling Project.

John Cobb

John Cobb is currently developing ArcGIS tools to derive soil moisture parameters for the WaSSI model.

Lisa Jennings

Lisa Jennings is a NCSU research assistant and content manager for EFETAC’s Template for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options.

Wen Lin

Wen Lin is working on a special USDA Food Research Initiative project involving research, education, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Jie Zhou

Jie Zhou is focusing on water and carbon fluxes between the atmosphere and forest ecosystems for a poplar plantation in northern China.


EFETAC Scientist Elected Landscape Ecology National President

Kurt Riitters

EFETAC scientist Kurt Riitters was recently elected to a two-year term as president of the US Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (US-IALE; US-IALE is the largest of 25 regional associations that make up the international organization ( Riitters’ research over two decades has helped to advance the interdisciplinary field of landscape ecology while contributing directly to achieving EFETAC and Forest Service goals related to landscape analysis and assessment.

He served previously as councilor-at-large of US-IALE, and is a member of the editorial board of the international flagship journal Landscape Ecology. According to Riitters, "This is a special honor because I have always considered US-IALE to be my natural home in the science world – the community is eclectic, rigorous, and grounded in the real world."


EFETAC Adopts-a-Highway

Adopt-A-HighwayTwo or three times a year, the EFETAC staff in Raleigh volunteers to pick up discarded roadside items. For ten years, the Raleigh group has participated in the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s Adopt-A-Highway program, picking up more than 6,000 pounds of trash and recyclable items along the same two-mile stretch of highway. Group coordinator Michael Gavazzi says EFETAC is "excited to do something good for the community. We get so much gratification from transforming an area full of trash into a beautiful space again." What are the most interesting items found? "Usually it’s normal stuff, like broken CDs, fast food wrappers, and trash," remembers Gavazzi. "But, once we did find discarded love notes and a sack of costume jewels."

Above: EFETAC adopted a highway in Raleigh, NC. Pictured from left are Steve McNulty, John Cobb, Jennifer Moore Myers, Emrys Treasure, Rabin Bhattarai, Michael Gavazzi, Peter Caldwell, and Ge Sun.




New Publications and Products



For a complete list of EFETAC publications and products, please visit  or


Koch, F.H., D. Yemshanov, R.D. Magarey, and W.D. Smith. 2012. Dispersal of invasive forest insects via recreational firewood: a quantitative analysis. Journal of Economic Entomology 105(2):438-450.

Guo, Q., M. Rejmanek, and J. Wen. 2012. Geographical, socioeconomic, and ecological determinants of exotic plant naturalization in the United States: insights and updates from improved data. NeoBiota 12:41-55.


Klepzig, K., Z. Hoyle, S. Westcott, and E. Treasure. 2012. Southern Research Station Global Change Research Strategy 2011- 2019. Science Update SRS-SU-46. Asheville, NC: USDA-Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 24 p.

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