Forest ThreatNet
Center News, Publications, Products, and Events
Congratulations to Center research hydrologist Pete Caldwell who joined the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in Otto, NC, and to North Carolina State University cooperating
scientist Catalina Segura who accepted an assistant forest hydrology professor position at Oregon State University in Corvallis, OR.
- The October First Friday All Climate Change Talks will feature Northern Research Station’s Richard Birdsey discussing "Research Support for National Forest System Carbon Assessments."
- Center and Southern Research Station staff will share Forest Service information during the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences’ annual Bugfest, the largest insect-related festival in the nation, attracting more than 35,000 multicultural individuals and families.
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month September 15 – October 15, 2013.
New Publications and Products (search TreeSearch for all pubs and abstracts):
- Norman, S.P., W.W. Hargrove, J.P. Spruce, W.M. Christie, and S.W. Schroeder. 2013. Highlights of satellite-based forest change recognition and tracking using the ForWarn System. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-180. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 30p.
Liu, N., H. Ren, S. Yuan, Q.F. Guo, and L. Yang. 2013. Testing the stress-gradient hypothesis during the restoration of tropical degraded land using the shrub Rhodomyrtus tomentosa as a nurse plant. Restoration Ecology 21(5):578-584.
- Yemshanov, D., F.H. Koch, M.J. Ducey, M. Siltanen, K. Wilson, and K. Koehler. 2013. Exploring critical uncertainties in pathway assessment of human-assisted introductions of alien forest species in Canada. Journal of Environmental Management 129:173-182.
- TACCIMO climate change specialists developed fact sheets for three Southern Region national forests: El Yunque (PR), Nantahala and Pisgah (NC), and Francis Marion (SC).
Annual Forest Health Monitoring National Reports summarize the status, trends, and analyses of the nation’s forest resources – the 2010 report is published and 2011 and 2012 are available online.
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