Forest ThreatNet

Volume 6, Issue 3 - August/September 2013

TACCIMO Benefits National Forest Plan Revisions

taccimo_2012.pngSome National Forest planners are already assessing and revising forest plans under the Forest Service’s new Planning Rule. On behalf of these "early adopter" forests, planning teams faced with the challenge of integrating climate change considerations into a vision of collaboration and sustainability are finding assistance with the Template for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options (TACCIMO).

TACCIMOteam_2012.jpgEastern Threat Center researchers collaboratively developed TACCIMO to merge planning and climate change science through in-depth literature reviews, maps, and climate projections that aid in decision-making. To support forest plan revision processes, TACCIMO’s climate change outreach specialists are developing custom fact sheets (see next page) and sharing key findings of potential climate change impacts on southern National Forests with stakeholders during public forums. TACCIMO’s communication tools are promoting climate change understanding, collaborative and comprehensive forest plan revisions, and transparency and public involvement.

Right: Eastern Threat Center TACCIMO researchers (l to r) Jennifer Moore Myers, Rob Herring, Steve McNulty, Lisa Jennings, and Emrys Treasure.

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