Forest ThreatNet
Center News, Publications, Products, and Events
North Carolina State University cooperating scientists Guofang Miao, Keren Cepero, and Jihong Song have joined the Center in collaborative research activities. Welcome!
- Research ecologist Frank Koch has been appointed to represent Forest Service Research & Development as part of the Forest Health Monitoring national management team.
The December First Friday All Climate Change Talks will feature Northern Research Station’s Lindsey Rustad discussing "Smart Forests for the 21st Century – How Wired Forests are Changing the Way We Do Science."
- A new video highlights the ForWarn forest monitoring tool and how Center researchers helped water managers in Asheville, NC, investigate an unexpected forest disturbance.
- Center researchers reveal their most exciting discoveries and share their stories about becoming scientists in a new series of scientists’ cards for middle school students.
- Highlights of the Eastern Threat Center’s accomplishments in research, science delivery, and partnerships in 2013 are now available online.
New Publications and Products (search Treesearch for all pubs and abstracts):
Koch, F.H.*, D. Yemshanov, and R.A. Haack. 2013. Representing uncertainty in a spatial invasion model that incorporates human-mediated dispersal. NeoBiota 18:173-191.
*Research ecologist Frank Koch served as a contributing author, manuscript reviewer, and associate editor for this special issue of NeoBiota.
- Potter, K.M. and W.W. Hargrove. 2013. Quantitative metrics for assessing predicted climate change pressure on North American tree species. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural Resource Sciences 5(2):151-169.
Sun, G. et al. 2013. Impacts of Global Change on Water Resources in Dryland East Asia. In Chen, J., S. Wan, G. Henebry, J. Qi, G. Gutman, G. Sun**, and M. Kappas (eds): Dryland East Asia: Land Dynamics amid Social and Climate Change. HEP & DeGruyter. Chapter 8.
**Research hydrologist Ge Sun served as a co-editor and contributing author for this book.
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