Forest ThreatNet
Center News, Publications, Products, and Events
Lisa Jennings, North Carolina State University (NCSU) cooperator and TACCIMO climate change outreach specialist, has joined the National Forests in North Carolina’s Grandfather Ranger District as a natural resources specialist. Congratulations, Lisa!
- NCSU cooperators Jonah Freedman and Sarah Wiener have joined the Eastern Threat Center as TACCIMO content developers. Welcome, Jonah and Sarah!
- February’s First Friday All Climate Change Talks will feature Northern Research Station’s Richard Birdsey discussing “Research Support for National Forest System Carbon Assessments.”
- Center scientists and staff advanced forest science to support sustainable management through a variety of research, science delivery, and partnership activities in 2013.
- Center scientists create posters that help communicate research and engage audiences in conversation, especially at meetings, conferences, and other events.
- View highlights of forest disturbance monitoring using the ForWarn tool.
Right: ForWarn researchers are tracking the interactive effects of drought, spruce beetles, and fire in Colorado.
New Publications and Products (search Treesearch for all pubs and abstracts):
- Riitters, K., K. Potter, and B. Tkacz. 2013. Forest health monitoring in the United States: focus on national reports. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Forest Health. Seoul, Korea: Korea Forest Research Institute pp. 12-27.
- Xie, J., J. Chen, G. Sun, H. Chu, A. Noormets, Z. Ouyang, R. John, S. Wan, and W. Guan. 2014. Long-term variability and environmental control of the carbon cycle in an oak-dominated temperate forest. Forest Ecology and Management 313: 319-328.
- Ren, H., Q. Guo, H. Liu, J. Li, Q. Zhang, H. Xu and F. Xu. 2014. Patterns of alien plant invasion across coastal bay areas in southern China. Journal of Coastal Research. In press.
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