Forest ThreatNet

Volume 7, Issue 4 - August/September 2014

Center News, Publications, Products, and Events

  • The Climate Change Resource Center (CCRC) has a new look and more resources to assist land managers. Take a tour of the updated CCRC during the First Friday All Climate Change Talks (FFACCTs) session on September 5 at 11:00 ET.
  • Center researchers are engaged in the PINEMAP project to help southern landowners manage pine for resilience and sustainability in a changing environment. In a project video, research ecologist Steve McNulty explains how models are useful for planning and preparation and provides an overview of the Water Supply Stress Index model.
  • How do wildfires and prescribed burns impact water quantity and quality across the landscape? Center researchers Ge Sun, Steve Norman, and Steve McNulty have begun a collaboration with Southern Research Station scientists to study this question on behalf of the Joint Fire Science Program. Their findings will support local watershed managers through engagement with the USDA Climate Hubs.
  • The Eastern Threat Center thanks summer interns Allison Bass, Aubrey Burgess, Ashley Newby, and Sarah Vial for their assistance with a variety of research projects. Learn more about Center interns and research opportunities.


New Publications and Products (search Treesearch for all pubs and abstracts):

  • Koch, F.H., D. Yemshanov, R.A. Haack, and R.D. Magarey. 2014. Using a network model to assess risk of forest pest spread via recreational travel. PLOS ONE 9 (7):e102105.
  • McNulty, S.G., J.L. Boggs, and G. Sun. 2014. The rise of the mediocre forest: why chronically stressed trees may better survive extreme episodic climate variability. New Forests 45:403-415.
  • Guo, Q. 2014. Central-marginal population dynamics in species invasions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2:23.




Above: Smokey Bear has shared his message of outdoor safety and forest protection for 70 years. The nation celebrated his birthday on August 9. Images courtesy of USDA Forest Service.




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