Forest ThreatNet
Center News, Publications, Products, and Events
- The recently published 2013 Forest Health Monitoring report, edited by Eastern Threat Center cooperating scientists Kevin Potter and Barb Conkling, features chapters authored by Center scientists and cooperators that summarize a variety of forest health issues and trends. The draft 2014 report is also available online.
- A planning team from the Francis Marion National Forest has used the Template for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options (TACCIMO) to address climate change concerns and strategies during the revision of the forest’s management plan. An article featured on the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit website tells the story. TACCIMO v3.0 is now available for beta testing.
Visit the First Friday All Climate Change Talks (FFACCTs) webpage for archived resources and upcoming FFACCTs topics.
- “Color Our World with Pride ” is the 2015 theme of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month celebrated across the nation in June. A Presidential Proclamation states, “We celebrate the proud legacy LGBT individuals have woven into the fabric of our Nation, we honor those who have fought to perfect our Union, and we continue our work to build a society where every child grows up knowing that their country supports them, is proud of them, and has a place for them exactly as they are.” Learn more:
Right: Franklin Kameny was a tireless activist for LGBT civil rights until his death in 2011. Photo by Jacquelyn Martin, Associated Press. - The U.S. Forest Service is celebrating 100 years of forest science! Its research branch was established June 1, 1905.
New Publications and Products (search Treesearch for all pubs and abstracts):
- Chen, J., R. John, G. Sun, S. McNulty, A. Noormets, J. Xiao, M.G. Turner, and J.F. Franklin. 2014. Carbon fluxes and storage in forests and landscapes. In Azevedo, J.C., A.H. Perera, and M.A. Pinto (Eds.), Forest Landscapes and Global Change: Challenges for Research and Management (139-166). New York: Springer-Verlag.
- Coyle, D.R., K.D. Klepzig, F.H. Koch, L.A. Morris, J.T. Nowak, S.W. Oak, W.J. Otrosina, W.D. Smith, and K.J.K. Gandhi. 2015. A review of southern pine decline in North America. Forest Ecology and Management 349:134-148.
- Guo, Q.F., S.L. Fei, J.S. Dukes, C. Oswalt, B.V. Iannone III, and K.M. Potter. 2015. A unified approach for quantifying invasibility and degree of invasion. Ecology. In press.
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