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EFETAC researchers and cooperating scientists have authored and co-authored numerous publications describing research that supports natural resource management and decision making. Select a title below to read journal and magazine articles, or search for publications by author, title, or keyword using the search feature on the right side of this page.


Publication Climate and vegetation change impacts on future conterminous United States water yield
Publication Converting farmlands to forests or forests to farmlands?
Publication Distribution, species richness, and relative importance of different plant life forms across drylands in China
Publication Do experimental forests and ranges of the southeastern United States represent the climate, ecosystem structure, and ecosystem functions of the region?
Publication Effects of inter-basin transfers on watershed hydrology and vegetation greening in a large inland river basin
Publication Forests, water, and livelihoods in the Lesser Himalaya
Publication Innovative tools in line with methodologies for regionally consistent forest damage assessment
Publication Loblolly pine: guidance for seed transfer within the eastern United States
Publication Multi-year hurricane impacts across an urban-to-industrial forest use gradient
Publication Oaks enhance early life stage longleaf pine growth and density in a subtropical xeric savanna
Publication PostBP: A Python library to analyze outputs from wildfire growth models
Publication Revisiting the landscape mosaic model
Publication The relationship between maturation size and maximum tree size from tropical to boreal climates
Publication Understanding the effects of afforestation on water quantity and quality at watershed scale by considering the influences of tree species and local moisture recycling
Publication Updates on longleaf pine ecology, restoration, and management
Publication Using land surface phenology and information theory to assess and map complex landscape dynamics
Publication Water use of co-occurring loblolly (Pinus taeda) and shortleaf (Pinus echinata) in a loblolly pine plantation in the Piedmont
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