2009 Science Delivery Highlights

CRAFTing tools for forest managers


Comparative Risk Assessment Framework and ToolsThe Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center and the University of North Carolina Asheville’s National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center are collaborating on a risk assessment project that will help natural resource managers make decisions about forest and rangeland management. This collaboration is focused on advancing the Comparative Risk Assessment Framework and Tools (CRAFT) into a more flexible and dynamic environment with development of on-line tools and facilitation techniques. 

Currently, the project includes development of a new Web site with tutorials, a project-specific portal and Wizard for CRAFT users, a wiki-inspired tool called CRAFTiPedia, an integration process for converting GIS spatial layers into a Bayesian Belief Network (and vice versa), and the use of real-life case studies to aid in the testing of each of these tools and techniques. These case studies have highlighted several areas that are applicable to CRAFT, including the spread of invasive exotic plants in wildlife openings in the Pisgah National Forest, and investigating the use of wildlife crossings within the Ocala National Forest. Workshops are being held for internal and external stakeholders and partners.

Contact: Steve Norman, research ecologist, (828) 259-0535, steve.norman@usda.gov

Partners: University of North Carolina Asheville’s National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center

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