Forest Threats Encyclopedia

USDA Forest Service Western Wildland Environmental Threat Assessment Center, Southern Research Station, and Pacific Northwest Research Station

SUMMARY: The Encyclopedia of Forest Environmental Threats delivers scientific knowledge that researchers, land managers, and policymakers need to achieve their objectives. This encyclopedia – like the others in the Forest Encyclopedia Network – connects scientific results, conclusions, and impacts with management needs and issues. Topical areas addressed in the encyclopedia include: land (wildland loss, soil quality), air and water, fire (ignition, severity and spread, post-fire), and pests/biota (native, exotic, dispersal).

EFETAC'S ROLE: The Eastern Threat Center provided funding support for this project, and Center Director Danny C. Lee served as a managing editor.

STATUS: Completed

PROGRESS: The Forest Threats Encyclopedia features scientific syntheses, suitable for expansion and updating.


Forest Threats Encyclopedia

Advances in Threat Assessment and Their Application to Forest and Rangeland Management


Updated May 2016

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