2013 Accomplishment Highlights
Center Accomplishments At-A-Glance
Refereed and non-refereed publications -- 129
Scientific, educational, professional, and lay organization presentations and tours -- 170
International, partnership, and consultation activities -- 75
Cultural Transformation, outreach, and technology transfer activities -- 55
Awards and Honors -- 15
Research, Science Delivery, and Partnership Highlights (Click for complete list and summaries.)
International Activities
Center scientists and collaborators continue to expand research and partnership opportunities globally:
Collaborated with Turkish researchers to produce national eco-climatic regions and to design a National Ecological Monitoring Network for Turkey, useful to determine which regions are expected to grow, shrink, and shift.
- Engaged in collaborative research via a Letter of Intent between the Southern Research Station and the Canadian Forest Service Great Lakes Forestry Centre to faciliate and harmonize research on invasive species modeling and mapping, and participated in reciprocal scientific exchanges and organization of symposia at international conferences.
- Served as the International Union of Forest Research Organization’s Deputy Coordinator of the Landscape Ecology Working Group, highlighting Forest Service leadership in forest landscape ecology research and coordinating research internationally.
- Presented the Water Supply Stress Index (WaSSI) model and Template for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options (TACCIMO) tool in Spanish to land managers at a technology transfer workshop in El Salvador.
- Served as a co-chair for the International Conference on Water for Mega Cities in Beijing, China, that provided a unique international forum to exchange experiences and advances in science and policy for water resource planning and sustainable water management for mega cities.
- Presented invited papers at the Landscape Ecology Conference, sponsored by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Landscape Ecology Workgroup, Concepción, Chile, and during the Korea Foerst Research Institute international conference, highlighting Forest Service leadership in forest landscape ecology research and application and forest health monitoring.
Awards and Honors
Center researchers, collaborators, and support teams were honored for outstanding efforts, including:
Southern Research Station Director’s Awards for Distinguished Science, Science Delivery and Partnership
- ForWarn team received the NASA Group Achievement award; the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer’s regional and national partnership awards; and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Most Distinguished Scientific or Technical Contribution award
- Paper recognized by Risk Analysis journal among top 25 about ecological risk assessment
- PINEMAP Best Poster award (third place)
- Plaque of appreciation for support during Minority Landowner Magazine’s Seventh Anniversary Conference.