2021 Accomplishment Highlights
Center Accomplishments At-a-Glance
Refereed publications -- 54
Presentations, tours, and workshops -- 78
Research, Science Delivery, and Partnership Highlights
- Context matters: How do changing landscapes affect forest dynamics and conditions?
- Hurricane Preparation and Recovery Guide for Southeast U.S. Pine Forest Landowners
- Soil Salinization, a salty problem for coastal forest management
- Moving Forestry into the 21st Century
- COVID-19: Ecology, Environments and Sustainability
- On the move: latitudinal patterns of alien plant invasions
- Don’t be afraid of (species distribution models for) forest insects! Here’s some guidance
- Managing Forests for Water: A United Nations/IUFRO/Forest Service Managers Guide
- Satellite-based mapping tools reveal forest disturbances with extraordinary clarity
- More than the sum of their parts: regional forest assessment tools work better together
- Editor’s Choice publication provides a landscape context perspective of forest change
- A 20-year history of United States’ forest fragmentation reporting in the international Montréal Process
- Coastal forest management options affect both carbon and water resources
- Southern pine plantations absorb carbon from the atmosphere, but how much depends on water and nutrients
Awards, Honors, and Appointments
Ge Sun was named the recipient of the 2021 Icko Iben Multidisciplinary Communications Award, from the American Water Resources Association (AWRA). Established in 1971, this award recognizes persons who have made outstanding contributions in promoting communication among the various disciplines concerned with water resources issues.
- Dr. Sun was also included in the Reuters Hot List of influential climate change scientists (#634). Reuters identified 1,000 scientists with the biggest impact on climate change science, considering three measures of science influence related to number of publications, citations, and public outreach. Congratulations Ge!
- Frank Koch was elected as a Fellow of the International Pest Risk
Research Group. His election was supported by the awards panel in recognition of "exceptional sustained dedication to promoting the aims of the Group, and for significant contributions to pest risk research."
- Lars Pomara received the 2021 Southern Research Station Director's Award for Science Delivery, in recognition of collaborative science-management integration work with the USFS Southern Region's Landscape-level Integration and Shared Stewardship initiative.
- 2021 saw several new Threat Center and Climate Hub research fellowship, assistantship, and visiting scientist appointments. New Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Postdoctoral Fellows beginning research appointments include Sandhya Nepal and Nick Gould, working with Lars Pomara and Danny Lee at the Center's Asheville location, and Erin Crockett, working with Qinfeng Guo at the RTP location. Yusuf Serengil, faculty at Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, began a term as a Visiting Fulbright Scholar working with Ge Sun and Steve McNulty. Cameron Stelly began an assistantship with the USDA Southeastern Climate Hub and the Threat Center.