2018 Accomplishment Highlights
Center Accomplishments At-a-Glance
Refereed publications -- 58
Presentations, tours, and workshops -- 91
Research, Science Delivery, and Partnership Highlights
Carolina Hemlock Populations are Isolated and Imperiled
Do Roads Drive Forest Plant Invasions?
Family Forests Are the Ties That Bind the Landscape
Fire Weather Intelligence Portal Expanded to Entire Southern Region
Forest Service Contributes to Global Forest and Water Assessment for United Nations
ForWarn II: A Familiar Monitoring and Assessment Tool is Reborn
Groundwater Buffers Impacts of Drought and Thinning in Southern Pine Forests
How Do Exotic Plants Invade Mountains?
Impacts of Wildland Fires on U.S. Fresh Water Resources are Variable
Invasive Plant Removal Restores Habitat for Wildlife Communities in a Desert Floodplain Ecosystem
Predictive Models Aid
Detection of Illegal Marijuana Grow Sites
Researchers Assessing Landscape Change Around Southeastern Wood Pellet Mills
Southern Forested Wetlands Are Projected to Become Drier in the Future
The State of the Nation’s Forests Summarized in Annual Report
Study Compares Rarity and Evolutionary Distinctiveness of Trees in Protected and Unprotected Areas
Traditional Ecological Knowledge Helps Researchers Understand the Effects of Plant Harvesting
Working Group Builds on Best Practices to Aid Conservation Policy and Resource Management
International Activities
- Research Biologist Michelle Baumflek was selected to serve as the Deputy Coordinator for International Union of Forest Research Organizations Working Party 5.15.02,
Non-wood Forest Products Culture.
- Research Ecologist Qinfeng Guo hosted six members of Jiangxi Academy of Forestry and led a tour of the Center's research facility at Research Triangle Park.
- Guo also served as an Advisory Committee member of Sino-Ecologists Association Overseas (known as Sino-Eco).
- Research Ecologist Frank Koch served as the Communications Officer for the International Pest Risk Research Group.
- Koch also collaborated with colleagues at McGill University on methods and data for modeling urban tree species/genera distributions.
Research hydrologist Ge Sun hosted Xiaodong Liu from South China Agricultural University who analyzed long-term water flux data during one year of training with the Eastern Threat Center. resulting in a peer-reviewed journal article.
- Sun is currently hosting Zhengxiang Yu, a Visiting Scholar from Northeast Forestry University (China), whose research focuses on understanding effects of post-harvest forest dynamics on watershed hydrology.
Numerous scientists contributed presentations to international meetings, conferences, and workshops, including: Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance Innovation Summit; International Forum on Practices and Tendencies in Silviculture in the United States, Canada and Europe: Past, Present and Future; International Symposium on Society and Resource Management; Sixth International Workshop on the Genetics of Tree-Parasite Interactions; North American Congress for Conservation Biology; US-International Association of Landscape Ecology Annual Meeting; and Workshop on Data Mining in Earth System Science (held in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining).
Awards and Honors
Research Hydrologist Ge Sun received the 2017 Chief's Honor Award in the category of ‘Applying Knowledge Globally’ in recognition of his research productivity, leadership, and partnerships that have furthered understanding of the relationships among forests and water in a changing environment.
- Sun also received the 2017 Deputy Chief's Distinguished Science Award "for his sustained productivity and leadership in forest hydrology research, including the development and application of hydrological models and tools for global natural resource management in a changing environment."
- Research Ecologist William Hargrove received the 2017 Southern Research Station Director’s Distinguished Scientist Award “for sustained, high-quality, creative scientific contributions in support of research, including leadership in ForWarn, ForeCASTS, and LanDAT projects.”
- Center Director Danny Lee received the 2017 Southern Research Station Director’s Science Delivery Award “in recognition of excellence in integrating advanced technologies, tools, and scientific understanding into Forest Service management.”
- Resource Information Specialist Erika Mack received the 2017 Southern Research Station Director’s Research Professional Support Award “in recognition of innovations and increased efficiency and usages of modeling tools while reducing development costs.”
- Climate Hub Fellow Sarah Wiener received an Extra Effort Award from Region 8 for her work on the census of monitoring efforts on national forests in the southern region.