2022 Accomplishment Highlights
Center Accomplishments At-a-Glance
Refereed publications -- 66
Presentations, tours, and workshops -- 101
Research, Science Delivery, and Partnership Highlights
Regeneration as an indicator of tree genetic degradation risk
Our changing views of the relationship between species invasions and species richness
- Charting impacts from invasive insects pushed to new limits
- Making plans for severe fire on the National Forests of North Carolina
- Mapping fire regimes with shared fire characteristics across the globe
Spatial science supports strategic fire planning in the Southern Region
- Experts weigh in to support strategic planning for prescribed fire in a Southern forest landscape
- Hurricane preparation and recovery guidance for pine forest landowners in southeastern coastal states
- Hurricane preparation and recovery: 23 commodity guides for southeastern producers
- Impacts of 2018 Hurricane Michael on coastal watershed hydrology
- Long-term hurricane impacts and recovery differ among forest uses and ownerships
- StoryMap helps producers prepare for and recover from hurricanes
Building resilience on the farm: agricultural adaptation case studies
- Sea level rise threatens coastal wetland forests in North Carolina
- Water use by common trees provides foundational data for forest and water management
- Watershed data flows to state and local governments to guide forest and water management decisions
- Managing pine plantations for bioenergy affects their water yield
- Consistent national data across satellite sensors provides historical perspective for forest disturbance
- How fragmented are forests in the United States? Different mapping approaches tell different
- Mapping crops within the growing season across the United States
- Visit to National Forests by researchers reinvigorates relationships and science delivery
New Appointments
- 2022 saw several new Threat Center and Climate Hub
appointments to Research Scientist, Research Fellowship, and Assistantship positions. Kevin Potter, long affiliated with the Threat Center as faculty at North Carolina State University, accepted a new Research Scientist position with the Center's RTP group. New Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Postdoctoral Fellows beginning research appointments include Carlos Topete Pozas, working with Steve Norman at the Center's Asheville location, and Zihao Bian and Henrique Duarte, working with Ge Sun at the RTP location. Sarah Beddawi and Renai Nez began research assistantships with the USDA Southeastern Climate Hub and the Threat Center.