2011 Research Highlights

Adapting to Climate Change: Tradoffs Among Water, Carbon, and Biodiversity
Using integrated models to understand impacts on ecosystem services

WaSSI workshop.JPGClimate change impacts on ecosystem processes and services are poorly understood at large scales. Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies must be developed with a clear understanding of all aspects of ecosystem responses to mutiple stressors. EFETAC scientists published an integrated model to estimate ecosystem water and carbon balances and the interactions among ecosystem evapotranspiration, productivity, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity at the continental scale by coupling the key processes of the hydrologic and carbon cycles.

This integrated, water-centric modeling system (Water Supply Stress Index Carbon and Biodiversity, or WaSSI-CB) is built upon previous field scale forest hydrologic studies, regional water supply and demand research, and global carbon and water flux databases. Scientists have used the WaSSI model to examine potential impacts of climate, land use, and population changes individually or in combination. Using this new modeling tool, forest managers can also look into the tradoffs among carbon, water, and biodiversity resources for a particular basin under current and future climatic conditions. The model has been developed and applied in the United States and is being testing internationally in South America, Africa, and Asia to evaluate impacts of global change.

Contact: Ge Sun, research hydrologist, ge.sun@usda.gov

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