2011 Science Delivery Highlights

Integrating Risks within a Formal Planning Framework
On-line tools and workshops help natural resource managers evaluate trade-offs in decision making

PuzzlePieces_EFETAC_Flat.jpgEFETAC and the University of North Carolina Asheville’s National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center have expanded an integrated risk assessment framework that will help natural resource managers compare the effects of different decisions, despite uncertainties. This collaboration is focused on advancing the Comparative Risk Assessment Framework and Tools (CRAFT) through development of on-line tools and applied workshops.

Currently, the project includes development of Web tutorials, a project-specific portal, a step-by-step “Wizard” for planning novices, a wiki-inspired reference section called CRAFTiPedia, an integration process for converting GIS spatial layers into a Bayesian Belief Network (and vice versa), and case studies that illustrate these tools and techniques. These case studies highlight several areas that are highly relevant to forest managers including risks associated with wildland fire, the spread and risks posed by invasive exotic plants, and responses to climate change. Workshops are being held for internal and external stakeholders and partners.

Contact: Steve Norman, research ecologist, (828) 259-0535, steve.norman@usda.gov

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