SPB Visualizations
SPB Spot Growth - High Density Stand
- Researchers used five different tree foliage images to represent the stages of SPB attack: green foliage represents the live and unaffected trees, light green foliage represents the fresh attacking stage, fading tree images represent the stage of fresh attacking to developing beetle broods, red foliage represents the stage of developing beetle broods, and grey foliage represents dead trees without live beetle broods. Through this vivid animation, we can clearly figure out the trend of spot growth and the shifting pattern of different attacking stages.
SPB Spot Growth - Medium Density Stand
- The animation of SPB spot growth in the medium density stand. As using the distinct foliage to represent different affected stages from high density stand, we can also clearly figure out the trend and pattern of spot growth. But in the medium density stand, the spot expanding speed is not as fast as the stand with high density.
SPB Spot Growth - Low Density Stand
- The animation of SPB spot growth in the low density stand. Comparing with the high and medium density stands, the pattern of spot growth in the low density stand is significantly sparser and slower. But the affected areas in the lowest density stand would not necessary be the smallest one among different density stands.
SPB Spot Growth - Mixed Species Hardwood Stand
- The animation of SPB spot growth in the mixed species of hardwood and pine forest stand. In this visualization, we used another tree foliage to represent the hardwood species to distinguish from the pine species. Showing from the animation, they give us a clear and realistic representation for identifying different species and telling the different pattern of spot growth between pure pine stand and mixture species stand.
SPB Spot Growth - Young Pine Stand
- The animation of SPB spot growth in the young pine forest stand. Comparing with other mature pine stands, the trend of SPB spot growth in the young pine stand is obviously sparer and smaller than that. Hence, the 3D visualizations of infestation spot growth can help us to understand the process of predictive trend of spot growth, and provide an organized spatial visualization technique to evaluate effects from different silvicultural treatments.
SPB Spot Growth Animation
Recovery following the SPB infestation, 2006
Before the SPB infestation, 1999
During the SPB infestation, 2002
SPB Landscape Visualizations