2013 Research Highlights

The Evidence is Overwhelming: Developing Technology to Tap Climate Change Science
Applying a scientific approach to the art of literature review

taccimo_logo_lg_300.pngDeveloped jointly by the Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center and the Pacific Northwest Research Station Western Wildland Environmental Threat Assessment Center, the Template for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options (TACCIMO) is supporting the climate change science needs of forest planners and managers within the Forest Service and across partner agencies and organizations. Through the application of a strategic and methods-based literature review informed by user needs, developers have reviewed over 1,500 peer reviewed journal articles and cataloged nearly 7,000 lines of evidence describing potential climate change impacts and management options. This work was conducted by threat centers’ staffs, working closely with planners and managers from the Forest Service Southern and Pacific Southwest Regions. The information is delivered in the public-facing TACCIMO website to assist a wide array of users, including those involved in collaborative planning exercises.

Forest Service Partners/Collaborators: Western Wildland Environmental Threat Assessment Center, Southern Region, Pacific Southwest Region

External Partners/Collaborators: North Carolina State University

Contact: Steve McNulty, Eastern Threat Center research ecologist, steve.mcnulty@usda.gov

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