2013 Science Delivery Highlights

Climate Change and the Early Adopter Opportunity
Setting the standard for climate change integration in forest planning

LJennings_E.Treasure_FMNF.jpgDeveloped jointly by the Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center and the Pacific Northwest Research Station’s Western Wildland Environmental Threat Assessment Center, the Template for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options (TACCIMO) is working directly with early adopters of the 2012 Planning Rule in the Southern and Pacific Southwest Regions to meet climate change science needs. Products available through TACCIMO to the early adopters include results from in-depth literature reviews as well as geospatial climate projections. The public-facing website puts all of these resources at the fingertips of the forest plan interdisciplinary teams, the public, and other stakeholder groups. As a result, TACCIMO provides both direct support as a source of current, credible, and concise science and also serves as a resource that promotes the collaborative planning process. The combined value of the information and capacity to promote collaboration will help forests be comprehensive in their assessment of best available science while promoting transparency and involvement of the public.

Right: TACCIMO team members present climate change projections for Francis Marion National Forest.

Forest Service Partners/Collaborators: Western Wildland Environmental Threat Assessment Center, Southern Region, Pacific Southwest Region

Contact: Emrys Treasure, emrys.treasure@usda.gov

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